On Wednesday evening, Nov 17th, the annual SLT free webinar series opened with a presentation by Mt. Shasta locals Arianna Kosel and Alyssa Winkelman.  They shared the story of their amazing journey down the Sacramento River last spring, when they paddled over 400 miles from the high headwaters at Cliff Lake (where they started on skis) to the mouth of SF Bay.

We first heard about this adventure when they presented a webinar last February on their Sacramento River Source to Sea plans.  And yes, the journey began a few weeks later in mid March.  We followed them online through their 21 day adventure at their website; sacsourcetosea.com  and on their Instagram, @sacsource2sea

In this recorded video of the webinar you’ll enjoy the culmination of this ambitious undertaking as Ari and Alyssa share tales and photos from the trip, the people they met, the landscapes they discovered, the challenges and the many rewards along the way.

SLT webinars are presented as a public service – free, online and awesome, from November to April each year. Sign up for our free MailChimp news if you’d like to get announcements of future shows.

An early dawn start in the Sacramento Delta.