GardenShare members invite you to join us on Sunday, September 21st at the SLT Community Garden for a A Celebratory and Educational Event – 10 am until 1 pm at 522 Alma Street in Mount Shasta.  Come enjoy the equinox by taking a relaxing tour of the garden. Learn about how we work together as a team, honing our people skills while growing healthy food. Get excited with us about our future vision, now that the land has been purchased by the Siskiyou Land Trust. Learn helpful information about gardening during the presentation: Starting your garden next spring: tips from the GardenShare experience. We’ll have a raffle of garden harvest, including vegetables, herbs and flowers. Food from the garden and baked items will also be available for sale as a fundraiser to support our ongoing work and to share the goodness of the garden during the Equinox.